Annals of Polymer Engineering and Science

Vahid Mottaghitalab

University of Guilan


Vahid Mottaghitalab received his PhD in 2006 in the field of smart nanostructure composite of polyaniline-CNT. Then, he continued his career as an assistant professor in Faculty of Engineering, University of Guilan by focusing on smart multifunctional conductive flexible layers. During last 15 years he could publish more than 50 research journal paper and his current H index is 25 by more than 2200 citation. Currently He is Professor of chemical/polymer engineering and serving in Chemical Engineering Department. He is extremely interested in development of flexible solar cell and solar driven electrochemical /catalytic CO2 Conversion process

Research Interest:

Vahid Mottaghitalab Carbon Nanotubes, Conducting Polymers, Nano composites, Thermal Analysis, Composites, Material Characterization, Tissue Engineering