Peer Review Policy
Peer Review process is a very important stage in research cycle. It is designed to evaluate the validity, quality and often the originality for published articles. The main objective is to maintain the integrity of scientific literature by filtering out unacceptable or poor quality articles.
CEOS Publisher’s strongly believe peer review functions as a filter for content, directing enhanced quality articles to better quality journals and so creating journal brands.
CEOS Publisher makes sure the peer review is robust and stringent so that the running articles through the peer review will be of great quality.
Articles submissions for CEOS publishers will undergo robust peer review process and scrutinized carefully to publish the quality articles. Below is the process which helps the author after manuscript is submitted
- Author or Corresponding author will submit the manuscript through online system to our journal. However, CEOS journals might accept email submissions sometimes.
- The Journal staffs initially perform pre-quality check to identify potential issues like competing interest, compliance with author guidelines and ethical standards. If possible submissions may return to the author for any changes and modifications.
- After completing the pre quality checks each new manuscript is assigned to a new academic editor of our journal. This senior editor will evaluate as per the publishing guidelines and determines whether to reject or send it for further review process.
- While evaluating, If the Editor feels the manuscript body need major revisions and seek support for more advance in the particular field he may consult external peers support in order to evaluate the technical and scientific advantages of the work.
- After accepting for review, generally external peers will have 7-14 days of time to submit their review. If there is any delay in updating the reviews from the peers the journal editors will follow up frequently in getting the status.
- CEOS Publisher uses double blind peer review process where reviewers details anonymous to editor and editors details anonymous to the reviewers.
- The Editor will receive the feedback from the external peers and consider their own evaluation in order to reach a decision (Reject, Accept, Minor, Major).
- Editor decision will be communicated to the author along with the peer review comments and any other if need from the journal office.
- If the editor feels that the manuscript has the potential to be published, but require changes. Author will be invited to revise the manuscript. The author will be allotted with a specific time based on the editor comments for submitting the revised version.
- When the handling editor is satisfied with the scientific changes done by the author they will issue an acceptance decision and we will notify the same to the author and the manuscript will move on to production.
Peer Review Process