Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy

At CEOS ensuring the quality of what we publish is imperative.


CEOS Publishers believes scientific integrity and intellectual honesty are essential in all scholarly work. As an upcoming publisher, our commitment is to protect the integrity of the scholarly publications, for which we take the necessary steps in all aspects of publishing ethics. Plagiarism will be in many forms, taking the ideas and work of others without giving proper attribution is unfair and dishonest. Copying the data from someone else manuscript or even your own published articles with our proper citation is considered as plagiarism and may violates the copyright laws.

CEOS strictly prohibit publishing plagiarized articles. It is a serious issue and can be easily avoidable by giving the credit to the authors. Authors should ensure and need to abide with the below points while submitting a manuscript to CEOS

  • Submissions to CEOS Publisher journals should be Original.
  • Overall similarity index of the manuscript should not be more than 15% for research article and 20% for review article with limitation of less than 3% similarity from any individual source.
  • Author should not use someone else idea or previously published work without proper attribution.
  • Authors should not use any personal information without the consent of the patient.
  • Authors should not use figures, images, tables if they have copyright issues.
  • Authors should not use experimental results of others researchers and claim it as theirs. It is violating the publication ethics.
  • If publisher recognizes the plagiarism after publishing the article, then with the support of the academic editor, journal we will take the decision in further to retract or modify the published article.
  • If we notice any article publishing twice in multiple journals then editorial office will investigate and take the decision accordingly.
  • Self-plagiarism can be considered as unethical- such as when the author declare that a publication consists of new material, but it actually contains a lot of recycled material( can be used under fair terms). But the author can make use of his own conference proceedings but that does require the source to be cited.
  • CEOS publisher uses the anti-plagiarism software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts which compare content against its database of periodicals, the Internet, as well as other wide-range databases of articles.