Cristian Dragos Stefanescu
National Institute of Aerospace Medicine (INMAS)
Cristian Dragos Stefanescu currently working as a Senior Lecturer at the ENT Department of the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest.
Since 2014 I am the Deputy Commander of the National Institute of Aerospace Medicine (INMAS) in Bucharest.
• Between 2009 and 2014, I was the Head of the Chronic Rhonchopathy Department in INMAS. I was also the Head of the Psychology Department in INMAS.
I specialized in ENT and Cervico-facial Surgery at the Central Military Hospital of Madrid. Other specialities: Somnology, Travel medicine, Aerospace medicine, Disaster medical management, Aviation accident investigation, Work and organizational psychology, Transportation psychology, Clinical psychology, Applied psychology to national security, Aviation Psychology.
I am a member of the European Academy of Sleep Medicine, European Society of Aerospace Medicine, Sociedad Espanola de ORL y Cirugia Cervico-Facial (Spanish ENT and Cervico-facial Surgery Society), European Association for Aviation Psychology, Romanian Sleep Society, Romanian ENT Society, Romanian College of Psychologists and Romanian Society of Aerospace Medicine.