CEOS Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Pengcheng Fu

Pengcheng Fu

Hainan University


Pengcheng Fua distinguished researcher at the Life Sciences and Biotechnology department of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, employs a multidisciplinary approach spanning Bioengineering, Biosystems Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. His recent publication, 'Morphophysiological and transcriptome analysis reveals a multiline defense system enabling cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya strain JSC-1 to withstand iron-induced oxidative stress,' highlights his expertise in understanding intricate biological mechanisms. Pengcheng's innovative research significantly contributes to advancing our comprehension of biological systems and developing sustainable solutions for global challenges.

Research Interest:

Anaerobic Digestion,Photo bioreactors,Genomics,Synthetic Biology Biological Wastewater Treatment, Genetic Engineering,Bioinformatics,Computational Biology.