CEOS Journal of Microbiology

Guimarães Lhs

Guimarães Lhs

Institute of Chemistry of Araraquara


Guimarães Lhs Graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1996), Master in Biotechnology from the UniversityEstadualPaulistaJúlio de MesquitaFilho (1999), PhD in Comparative Biology from FFCLRP-USP 2004 and post-doctorate in Microbiology from FFCLRP-USP ( 2006) and in Biotechnology from Rikilt-Wageningen University (Netherlands) (2010). He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of RibeirãoPreto-USP. Coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in Biological Sciences (Bachelor's and Bachelor's Degree) at FFCLRP-USP from 12/2019 to 11/2023. President of the FFCLRP-USP Undergraduate Committee (2023-2024). He has experience in the area of ​​Microbiology, with an emphasis on biochemistry and physiology of microorganisms, with emphasis on filamentous fungi, working mainly on the following topics: biotechnology, microbial enzymes (phosphatases, fructofuranosidases, tannases, phytases), immobilization of enzymes, bioprospecting, biotransformation and fungal biofilms. Coordinator of the Industrial Microbiology area of ​​the Brazilian Society of Microbiology (SBM) for 10 years and associate editor of the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology.