CEOS Clinical Anesthesiology

About Journal

CEOS Clinical Anesthesiology is an open access, online peer reviewed journal which covers the most active and promising areas of current research in Clinical Anesthesiology. This multi-disciplinary journal provides an avenue to less accessible sources to a wide audience of medical researchers and healthcare professionals.

CEOS Clinical Anesthesiology invites a well-structured original research, review, case reports, short note and clinical studies from the noted experts to educate the journal readers in all the aspects of Clinical Anesthesiology.

CEOS Clinical Anesthesiology is an exciting journal that publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in the areas of Clinical Anesthesiology.

The scope of the journal includes but not limited to following areas:

  • Amnesia
  • Analgesics
  • Anesthesiology
  • Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
  • Cerebrovascualr Anesthesia
  • General Anesthesia
  • Hypnosis
  • Local Anesthesia
  • Obstetric Anesthesia
  • Opioids
  • Pain Medicine
  • Pediatric Anesthesia
  • Perioperative Medicine
  • Pulmonary Anesthesia
  • Regional Anesthesia
  • Sedatives
  • Spinal Anesthesia
  • Surgical Anesthesia
  • Thoracic Anesthesia
  • Transplant Anesthesia