CEOS Chemical Engineering and Process Techniques

 Changzhi Li

Changzhi Li

Dalian Institute of chemical physics


Changzhi Li is currently a professor in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. The overarching theme of his research program is biomass catalytic conversion. He has pioneered ionic liquid-mediated cellulose hydrolysis technology, and developed several important strategies for the selective conversion of lignin into aromatics and naphthenic. In 2013, he won “Min Enze Energy and Chemical Engineering Award” jointly established by Chinese Academy of Engineering and Sinopec Group, for his contribution to the area of “Catalytic biomass conversion”. He also won “Dalian science and Technology Invention Award (first prize)” and “Second prize of Liaoning Natural Science” in 2014 and 2018, respectively. He is a young member of Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Catalysis, and has published 40+ papers on international journals including Chem. Rev., Angew, and Energy Environ. Sci., Chem. Sci., etc. his current research focuses on catalytic biomass conversion

Research Interest:

Changzhi Li Catalytic conversion of lignin, Ionic liquids platform for biomass processing and conversion, Conversion of carbohydrate into furan-based fuel and chemicals.